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Fig 6.1 IaaS growth (measured in seats/employees served), by vertical IaaS Enterprise IT buyers looking at Infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) o昀昀erings are familiar with the benefits of using virtualized servers in cloud provider data centers: the ability to scale up or scale down based on the current business requirements, with billing on a pay-as-you-go basis; having a cloud service provider manage assets; and the potential to reduce costs and complexity associated with managing a legacy data center. Today’s buyers might be dealing with questions about strategies for hybrid cloud and multi-cloud. Hybrid cloud refers to the use of a combination of public and private clouds, while multi-cloud typically refers to the use of multiple public cloud providers. In a hybrid cloud Source: AVANT Analytics State of Disruption 2024 environment, companies can leverage the benefits of both private and public clouds, such as increased security and Whatever flavor of cloud architecture is being deployed, adoption has increased significantly scalability. In contrast, multi-cloud environments allow compared to pre-pandemic levels according to survey respondents. Note that respondents companies to avoid vendor lock-in and achieve greater were asked to estimate the growth in terms of seats, or the number of employees served by flexibility by using multiple cloud providers. IaaS, not by revenue or number of applications. Copyright © 2024 AVANT Communications, Inc. 19

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