501 CXOs AND TECHNOLOGY DECISION MAKERS SURVEYED The desire to adapt is one thing — bringing people, processes, and technology together to elicit the desired outcome is another. Are investments paying dividends? To understand how technologies are being purchased and used, AVANT commissioned a poll of 501 U.S.-based enterprise decision makers at either the C-suite or Management/VP-level in IT, security, or finance. Questions are centered around digital transformation e昀昀orts and plans To qualify for the survey, respondents had to be involved in choosing or for the use of various technologies. Where questions relate growth, or helping their organization to implement new data network, voice, or computer growing consumption of technology, the term conveys usage reported infrastructure technology, including buying/ selecting new tools and services. by respondents as compared to their anticipated level of usage in the Respondents include statistically significant subsets from the following industries: in the next 12 months. Growth isn’t measured specifically in a dollar amount, but does indicate shi昀琀s in investment, interest, and attention Manufacturing High Tech which ultimately translates into technology uptake measured in seats, bandwidth, and the like. Financial Services Construction Healthcare/Medical/Insurance Consulting/Business Services Retail/E-commerce Copyright © 2024 AVANT Communications, Inc. 3