The Cato Experience Simplicity Gain Connecting new locations now takes days “ or hours instead of months. We found we could multiply the bandwidth of each site by five or more with Cato, without “ increasing cost.” Connecting new locations now takes days or hours instead of months. The business With Cato we increased bandwidth, improved is moving very fast. Now with Cato we can support, and gained the flexibility to grow match that speed on the network side.” and experiment. The Cato Cloud just fits our business a lot better than MPLS.” The productivity impact was dramatic. “Staff complaints about business system performance have plummeted to two or three total in the past six months with the Cato Cloud.” New Wave Boosts Bandwidth with Cato New Wave considered SD-WAN alternatives to MPLS, including Cato Cloud. After a POC, New Wave chose Cato and started adding locations one by one to Cato Cloud. “The difference was dramatic almost immediately,” says Brouwers. New Wave allotted the same budget to Cato that that was allocated for MPLS and other external lines. The result? Tons more bandwidth; 10 Mbps went to 50 Mbps, 20 Mpbs went to 100 Mbps. The productivity impact was dramatic and staff complaints were reduced to “more than 90% fewer service tickets and a lot fewer frustrated users,” says Brouwers. Performance has been consistently good even as average file sizes have grown. “We’re working with much larger image files today, particularly in our textile firms,” says Brouwers. “In the past, if someone uploaded a huge catalog, network performance lagged, and everyone’s productivity was affected. Not anymore.” Connecting new locations now takes days or hours instead of months. And, reliability issues have also been reduced, especially along the last-mile. We’ve been considering last-mile management for a while, but “ we haven’t moved on it because, truthfully, with Cato we’ve had so few outages.” Cato: The Future for New Wave Networking and Security While New Wave still takes advantage of the security solutions at its two datacenters, Cato enabled the company to gradually move away from security appliances, shifting anti-malware and IPS to Cato Cloud for several subsidiaries and branch offices – resulting in performance and security improvement. With Cato we increased bandwidth, improved support, and gained “ the 昀氀exibility to grow and experiment. The Cato Cloud just 昀椀ts our business a lot better than MPLS.” New Wave Group’s network spans over 50 locations worldwide all interconnected by Cato The Network for Whatever’s Next 5 Manufacturing Case Studies 4

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