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The World’s First SASE Platform The world’s 昀椀rst single-vendor SASE platform, converging SD-WAN and network security into a global cloud-native service. Cato is the first single-vendor implementation of the Gartner secure access service edge (SASE) framework, which identified a global and cloud-native architecture as the way to deliver secure and optimized access to all users and applications. With Cato, enterprises move from legacy networks built with point solutions and expensive MPLS services to modern networks that are global, secure, agile, and affordable. Cato SASE Cloud connects all enterprise network resources, such as branch locations, the mobile workforce, and physical and cloud datacenters, into a global and secure, managed SD-WAN service. With all WAN and Internet traffic consolidated in the cloud, Cato applies a suite of security services to protect all traffic at all times. Real-time Policy Enforcement (SSE 360) FWaaS • SWG • IPS • NGAM ZTNA • CASB • DLP • RBI Multi-gig Packet Processing SPACE Any flow • Context extraction • Route optimization • Selective decryption Protocol acceleration P o o t P a C SaaS Optimization C Cloud DC Integration l s o s u a d P E (Smart egress) n (IPsec • Cross Connect • Cato vSocket) e l g g i n n Si e SPACE e n o kb c a B e t a v i Pr al ob Gl MPLS/Internet Cato Socket Edge SD-WAN Cato ZTNA or 3rd party IPSEC Client & Clientless Contact Us Ready for Whatever’s Next Cato SASE Cloud Solution Brief 3

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