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All major CCaaS vendors either partner with or offer their own proprietary Workforce Management (WFM) solution. These tools help supervisors schedule their agents in the most efficient manner, ensuring you don’t have too few or too many agents in each shift. These tools also help measure adherence to a schedule e.g., are agents taking too many breaks at the wrong time. An Occupancy Rate that is too high may also indicate that their workflow could use some improvement. For instance, perhaps agents spend too much time with wrap-up work. By integrating with leading CRMs like Salesforce and leveraging AI assistants, some of the agent workflow, like saving a transcript to a case and adding a disposition code, can be automated. This saves time, and time is money! The bottom line? As a Trusted Advisor, you must dig into your prospect’s productivity metrics and use your knowledge of CCaaS technology to pinpoint where efficiency gains are to be had and what CCaaS features could be the answer. GOAVANT.NET

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