The main takeaway is this: shifts in consumer behavior and purchasing power by younger generations means companies need to adapt or die. ChatGPT is the latest example of the consumerization of IT where sudden adoption of the rapid pace of technological change is impacting customer service. The purchasing power of a younger generation of consumers, in tandem with their willingness to engage in new ways with new technologies, means that the old playbook for customer service is not going to work well in the future — and that future is closer than many think. A modern CCaaS system can provide a platform for businesses to adapt to this new reality. Buyers are likely to feel overwhelmed with understanding all the different trends and technology changes impacting their customer service organizations. Understanding business objectives first will enable executives to understand what they are already good at today, and what needs to be improved. Targeting specific areas for improvement will help inform a “Crawl, walk, run” approach to integrating and adopting a new CCaaS platform while minimizing disruption to agents and the business as a whole. How should organizations without large IT staff go about selecting a CCaaS system? Just as large organizations would, a Trusted Advisor is a crucial enabler to help select and implement the solution that is most appropriate for your business today (and in the future). Copyright © 2023 AVANT Communications, Inc. CCaaS 6-12 Report | 16

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