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of technology must interweave with their knowledge of business functions in order to devise technology-based solutions that successfully resolve business problems. Their strategies are, therefore, highly consultative, and Trusted Advisors seek an ongoing and direct line of sight into each customer’s needs. They typically have a technology or vertical specialty that spans multiple technologies, although most align, combined with the resources and footprint of the company, generally determines the portion of the market they serve, ranging from small business to large enterprise. Trusted Advisors specializing in the technology-of-interest are generally the first step enterprise technology lifecycle is generally viewed as a practical necessity. Action Items • Ensure your CCaaS system includes all of the necessary technical capabilities, particularly, but not limited to, Artificial Intelligence. • Make sure security is interwoven throughout your CCaaS strategy, as well as every other Information Technology in use. • given the emphasis on both voice communications and data communications. • When considering a CCaaS migration, engage management, IT, security, finance and also contact center users. Copyright © 2021 AVANT Communications, Inc. AVANT | CCaaS 6-12 Report | 23

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