Census Bureau Customer Story Sprinklr

CUSTOMER STORY The U.S. Census Bureau enhances citizen services and participation with Sprinklr and AWS GovCloud 82% 162k 67% improvement in in savings through AI increase in citizen response time and automation participation online CUSTOMER OVERVIEW CHALLENGE The decennial census is an o昀케cial count of every person living The U.S. Census Bureau moved its 2020 census website to in the United States and 昀椀ve U.S. territories, and it takes place AWS-GovCloud (US) to host sensitive data and to address once every ten years. The data collected by the U.S. Census the most stringent U.S. government security and compliance Bureau helps determine the amount of federal funding that requirements. To e昀昀ectively gather the citizen data and to goes to essential services such as hospitals, schools, and combat the general misconceptions, the Census Bureau local infrastructure projects. It also shapes local and federal needed a solution that would ensure people across the legislative districts and a昀昀ects the number of representatives country had the ability to quickly and easily participate and states get in Congress. access information at scale. “Utilizing Sprinklr has given us the ability ZACK SCHWARTZ to connect with the American public where Deputy Division Chief they are. That’s something that we are really U.S. Census Bureau proud of.” Department of Commerce Baltimore, Maryland SOLUTION ⊲ Sprinklr AI & automated work昀氀ows empower the Census Bureau to spend more time tackling important citizen Sprinklr Sprinklr Sprinklr inquiries, and less time managing manual tasks. Insights Service Social ⊲ Sprinklr chatbots guide citizens to the right information seamlessly and quickly, subsequently driving higher online participation for the 2020 census. ⊲ AWS GovCloud breaks down data silos and reduces respondent fatigue by synthesizing the data it receives across all modern channels via Sprinklr. As a result, the number of phone calls and surveys that businesses and individuals must complete is reduced, which improves the relationship between Census and its constituents. ⊲ AI-based Smart Alerts automatically detect anomalies or irregularities, allowing the Census Bureau to proactively mitigate risk and stop the spread of misinformation. © 2020 Sprinklr, Inc. All rights reserved. www.sprinklr.com [email protected]