The CompTIA MSP Guidebook: Cultivating a Culture of Process E昀케ciency Testing the Candidate for Technical Knowledge There are a variety of resources, both free and paid, that can be used to test candidates for knowledge in technical aspects of help desk support for both PC and Apple support. Here are a few suggestions: • TestDome ( O昀昀ers a range of technical tests, including IT and system administration. It allows you to test candidates on real-life problems. • Indeed Assessments ( O昀昀ers a wide variety of skill tests, including those related to IT support, that can be sent directly to candidates. • eSkill ( Provides a variety of pre-employment tests, including IT skills testing. eSkill’s tests can be customized to the job and the skills required. • Brainbench ( O昀昀ers a wide array of tests, including ones for technical help desk roles. • Kandio ( Provides tests speci昀椀c to IT roles including network trouble- shooting, IT support and Windows system administration. • Lynda / LinkedIn Learning ( Not strictly a testing platform, but you can assign speci昀椀c courses to potential hires and see how they perform in the tests that follow each course. • HackerRank ( Originally a platform for developer assessments, it now includes roles like system administrator. • Pluralsight Skill IQ ( This platform can assess your candidates’ skills in speci昀椀c areas like IT ops. For Apple-speci昀椀c testing, you might want to use resources that are dedicated to Apple technology: • Apple Certi昀椀ed Support Professional (ACSP) ( MA714Z/B/apple-certi昀椀ed-support-professional-1014): Though more of a certi昀椀cation, it veri昀椀es understanding of Apple technology, making it a useful resource for testing potential hires. 23

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