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The CompTIA MSP Guidebook: Cultivating a Culture of Process E昀케ciency 10 9 Document 8 Gather and Update Feedback 7 and Iterate Document the Monitor and optimized process, 6 Measure Encourage including all the Communicate feedback from changes and Implement and Train Establish metrics employees and improvements Automation and key stakeholders made. Maintain and Technology E昀昀ective performance who are involved clear documentation communication is indicators (KPIs) in the process. that outlines the Identify key to successful to measure the Analyze their steps, roles and opportunities process e昀昀ectiveness suggestions responsibilities to automate implementation. of the process. and insights involved. Regularly repetitive or Communicate Regularly monitor to identify review and update manual tasks changes, updates and evaluate opportunities the documentation using technology. and expectations performance for further as the business Implementing to all relevant against these optimization. evolves and new tools and software stakeholders. metrics to identify Continuously opportunities arise. can streamline Provide necessary areas for further iterate and processes, training and improvement. re昀椀ne the improve accuracy support to process based and save time ensure everyone on the feedback and resources. understands received. and adopts the new process. 13

CompTIA MSP Guidebook - Page 13 CompTIA MSP Guidebook Page 12 Page 14