The CompTIA MSP Guidebook: Cultivating a Culture of Process E昀케ciency Your Superpower: Your De昀椀ned Services By taking customer feedback and industry research into account, you can create a service portfolio that sets you apart from competitors. Ask yourself these questions: • Are we actively seeking feedback from our clients to understand their satisfaction levels? • How are we incorporating customer feedback into the development of new services? • How frequently do we research industry trends and reports to stay informed about the latest developments? • Have we implemented any best practices recommended by reputable industry sources? • Do we have a clear understanding of our team’s current capabilities? • Are there any gaps in our team’s skills that may limit our abilities? • Do we have comprehensive documentation for each service? • Are our service descriptions easy to understand and aligned with customer needs? • How do we measure the success of each service we o昀昀er? • What services do we consistently receive high feedback on? • How open are we to adopting new technologies? • Are we agile enough to adapt our services to meet evolving industry trends and needs? Now you can take the information you have about your direct competitors, try to identify their strengths and weaknesses, and match up your superpowers to show how you can win against them. In some cases, you may be well-positioned, in other cases, you may need to strengthen your capabilities. Use this table to map out your strategy: Competitor Their Weakness Their Strength Strategy to Win In the competitive landscape of MSPs, service portfolio management is paramount for di昀昀erentiation and success. Understanding your ideal customer, competitors, core capabilities and unique di昀昀erentiators empowers you to tailor your services and marketing e昀昀orts e昀昀ectively. 11

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