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ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT  Deliver Experiences that Matter with a Hassle-free, Always on Contact Center Customer and employee experience matter more than Avaya Experience Platform is designed for how you’re anything else. working now and in the future. When you have engaged, empowered employees, it has a Deliver the Experience Customers Expect direct and positive impact on customer experience. Customers want to use their smart phone or tablet to Avaya Experience Platform™ makes it easy for organizations interact with organizations across a variety of channels to deliver effortless customer experiences across different including voice, email, text messaging and social. With channels and devices while helping maximize employee and Avaya Experience Platform, organizations can deliver team performance. Avaya Experience Platform empowers the effortless experience that customers expect—across employees with faster, more responsive and always-on different touchpoints and devices. It’s intuitive and customer engagement. proactive, delivering the consistent, personalized service that’ Avaya Experience Platform helps organizations deliver s needed to build customer loyalty and brand effortless, consistent, and memorable experiences by: advocacy. Maximize Employee and Team Ventana ▪ Connecting all touch-points throughout the entire Performance Research journey—from voice, email, messaging, chat, social and Avaya Experience Platform provides named more. advanced productivity desktop tools to Avaya ▪ Matching customers with the best employees using improve the performance of employees and an Exemplary business rules, internal and external context and desired the contact center. Attribute-based routing Vendor business outcom es. intelligently pairs customers with the right in its Agent ▪ Getting ahead of every interaction by predicting needs resources at the right time. The modern Management and proactively engaging customers with customer journey employee and supervisor browser-based Value Index intelligence. desktop gives employees the information and 2022 ▪ Personalizing employee experiences with a modern tools they need—at their f workspace that easily brings customer insights from ingertips when they different applications and systems into a single pane need them, and out of the way when they of glass. don’t. The intuitive, unified experience speeds employee adoption with little to no Innovation training required. With customers scrolling, swiping, talking, texting, sharing, and downloading - anywhere, across any device - it’s critical for organizations to support dynamic and increasingly complex expectations around customer and employee experience. Avaya Experience Platform enables organizations to quickly and easily innovate using cloud technologies to d eliver the exact experience that provides customers more options, faster responses, and a more personalized approach. With Avaya Experience Platform, you can deploy an AI-based virtual agent over the top of your call handling infrastructure that can engage customers in a conversational way so customers can serve themselves faster and more efficiently. If an interaction needs to elevate to an employee , the virtual agent can intelligently route the customer to the best-suited employee using information collected during the self-service experience. Knowledge Management can also reduce call volumes and handle times by delivering contextual knowledge articles to employees and to customers via self-service options. Two-factor authentication and voice biometrics can enhance compliance and protect org liability risks. anizations and customers from fraud and To learn more about Avaya Experience Platform visit us at

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