Introduction CCaaS (Contact Center as a Service) solutions are cloud-based platforms that enable businesses to deliver customer service and support through a range of channels, including phone, email, chat, social media, and now, video. Since the publication of AVANT’s previous 6-12 report on CCaaS in June 2021, technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) have continued to develop at a rapid pace; consumer behaviors are changing too. This 6-12 report will explore what CCaaS decision makers need to know about the changing landscape of CCaaS o昀昀erings, and how these changes impact the sales process. CCaaS and the Consumerization of IT The consumerization of IT is having a major impact on the CCaaS market. The consumerization of IT refers to individuals being able to purchase and manage IT solutions using their personal devices and applications for personal and work purposes. The term has been around for many years, but it is still a useful way to describe how the proliferation of smartphones and other mobile devices has impacted consumer behavior. Consumers — either in their work role or as individuals — expect to be able to communicate with businesses in real time, using the same technologies that they use in their personal lives. Millennials (which generally refers to people born between the early 1980s to early 2000s) have shown a preference for digital channels for customer service and support, such as self-service options on a company’s website or mobile app, or social media platforms. Some studies have found that Millennials are more likely than older generations to use these channels because they o昀昀er convenience, speed, and the ability to multitask. If companies don’t start o昀昀ering chat [to customers], if you don’t start ingesting SMS and other digital forms of social media communication, you’re “going to lose younger and younger generations. Companies must evolve and allow customers to communicate with them in the medium and the device they want versus just forcing them to make a phone call. - Brent Wilford, Senior Director of CX and Unified Communications for AVANT The consumerization of IT is also impacting the internal integration of CCaaS. It is becoming easier and more realistic to deploy many traditional CCaaS capabilities, like simple call queuing and simple call routing, through self-managed cloud services portals without the need for large scale IT integration projects. While tighter integration with business processes and other internal IT systems will require more e昀昀ort, cloud-based CCaaS solutions continue to push the envelope of self-management and fast deployment. Copyright © 2023 AVANT Communications, Inc. CCaaS 6-12 Report | 4

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