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As events such as the Great Resignation and Great As a result, companies that have the right communication Reprioritization continue to impact employee recruitment, and collaboration tools, training, and leadership to retention, and engagement, contact center leaders, like support work from anywhere will be in a better position to leaders in so many other industries, will need to turn their attract and retain the type of talent they need to deliver attention to employee experience (EX) over customer differentiated customer experiences. If organizations can’t experience (CX), at least temporarily. offer work from anywhere as an option, then they’ll not only lose out on the ability to recruit from the widest and Though more and more return-to-office plans will best talent pool possible, but they’ll also miss out on the actually start to materialize, contact center leaders will next generation of talent. To some extent, competitors need to address the fact that many employees will refuse who offer this flexibility will win by default. to accept anything but remote or flexible work. Out of 1,000 workers polled in a recent Morning Consult survey, 39% said they’d consider quitting if their employers didn’t give them the flexibility to work from home. 49% That increased to 49% when it came to millennial and Gen Z workers surveyed. Almost half of millennial and Gen Z workers say they’ll quit if an organization doesn’t give them flexibility to work remote. Contact Center Predictions for 2023 and Beyond 4

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