With the volume of jobs increasingly moving from face- To meet the full labor requirements using a more fractional to-face to virtual interactions, those requiring human workforce will require a higher number of workers, working involvement will increasingly be comprised of complicated fewer hours per week, on average. Recruiting, training, scenarios or highly emotional situations that still require coaching, scheduling, and quality management will all go a human touch. The continued advancement of self- through a transformation including a greater degree of service capabilities that can handle a higher percentage automation and verifiable worker performance data. of digital interactions means that human effort will only be needed for escalation when the bots fail to handle a All of these advancements will ultimately reduce effort customer’s needs. Voice interaction bots will continue to and increase the speed at which customers will reach capture a significant portion of triage or tier-one level voice resolutions. Meanwhile, workers will have tremendous interactions and administer post-interaction surveys, but control over their time and when they decide to work, and when someone needs answers to a more complex question for what companies or projects. or issue, human-to-human voice interactions will remain a common and preferred communication channel. Customers will realize better experiences, workers will enjoy greater flexibility and greater control over their income, and businesses will operate with smaller workforces working hand in hand with intelligent software that provides robotic and intelligent automation. Contact Center Predictions for 2023 and Beyond 21

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