IBM Customer Story Sprinklr

CUSTOMER STORY IBM makes the switch from Standard to Platinum Support to drive operational e昀케ciency & improve customer satisfaction + 44% - 33% + 125% improvement in time to resolution reduction in average 昀椀rst response increase in CSAT participation THE CUSTOMER THE CHALLENGE IBM is a leading cloud platform and cognitive solutions company. IBM needed an advocate that would help its team follow up on Restlessly reinventing since 1911, IBM is the largest technology issues/tickets. It was important for key stakeholders to have clarity and consulting employer in the world, with more than 350,000 and full visibility into root cause analysis of any issues in order to employees serving clients in 170 countries. learn and improve to drive a better customer experience. With Watson, the AI platform for business, powered by data, IBM IBM upgraded to the Sprinklr Platinum Support program. Biweekly is building industry-based solutions to real-world problems. For ticket reviews empower the IBM team to not only have clarity and more than seven decades, IBM Research has de昀椀ned the future of visibility into its cases, but also provides insights around Sprinklr information technology with more than 3,000 researchers in 12 labs best practices, areas for coaching and mentoring, and product located across six continents. deep-dive technical reviews. Sprinklr Global Technical Support provides customer support through our own Sprinklr Support Sprinklr Service product 24 hours a day, 7 days per week and 365 days per year from three continents with agents speaking multiple languages, including 2020 TSIA Star Award Winner English, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, and Indian dialects. Sprinklr customers experience omnichannel access to customer support through Innovation in Support Services Automation email, live chat, social channels, and community. THE SOLUTION THE RESULTS Platinum Sprinklr • Faster identi昀椀cation, noti昀椀cation and restoration of issues, Support empowers IBM and Sprinklr to proactively identify best Service practice con昀椀gurations in order to achieve optimal performance • With Platinum, the initial response from Sprinklr Support is twice as fast as the Standard o昀昀ering, enabling the IBM team to spend less time waiting for issues to be resolved, and more time achieving positive business outcomes • IBM receives 昀椀xes within two weeks or less as a part of the Platinum release cycle, providing fast-tracked access to product enhancements and added features • Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) survey participation rates increased by 125 percent throughout IBM’s transformation from Standard to Platinum Support © 2020 Sprinklr, Inc. All rights reserved. [email protected]