RDI (Cont.) Interestingly, healthcare records are among the data cate- gories most sought-after by cybercriminals due to the vol- This statistic will be used in this 6-12 Report, ume of personal information in those records that make as well as in forthcoming 6-12 Reports on them highly exploitable. Therefore, healthcare organiza- other technologies and business models. tions face the most stringent industry requirements for The RDI is useful in understanding how breach notifications and cyber compliance, based largely adoption rates of new technologies are on the HIPAA standard. This statistic in which 68 percent displacing legacy solutions as a comparative of medical respondents expressed concern about their measurement to company sizes, market ability to deal with a cyberattack is alarming, at best. segments and as a comparative tool to oth- er technology trends in a way financial mar- ket size does and growth does not, since the The State of Disruption Report also shows that overall financial growth or revenue size of particular respondents are moving to third-party managed secu- solution does not inform us, in and of itself, rity service providers at an annual rate of 5 percent RDI, how much of an impact this growth is really which is one factor that is likely to help mitigate the talent having on a legacy alternative and normaliz- shortage. When reviewed by vertical market, the e-com- es this impact across different comparisons. merce sector is moving in this direction more than twice as quickly as the broad market. At the opposite extreme, the Manufacturing sector scored zero on this scale. AVANT believes that many manufacturing companies mistakenly think they are at lower risk of attack and therefore don’t pursue third-party solutions. However, their intellectual property can be of high value, particularly to bad-actor foreign governments. Manufacturers that maintain entire- ly in-house security face this risk. RDI of Third-Party Security Services Adoption by Industry E-commerce Financial Medical 12% RDI 8% RDI 7% RDI Consulting Manufacturing 3% RDI 0% RDI Source: AVANT State of Disruption Report 2019 Copyright © 2020 AVANT Communications, Inc. 11

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