Operator Connect vs. Direct Routing Operator Connect Direct Routing Program type Programmatic approach to operator provided calling Not a program. Core functionality. Interconnection Microsoft Azure Peering Service (MAPS) for Voice TLS/SRTP over internet Dedicated portal/APIs for trunk setup and validation Carrier tenant for setting up super trunk Some customer configuration required or delegated specifically Number Provisioning through APIs to facilitate automation None, need customer account or “admin on behalf” for executing provisioning PowerShell commands Teams admin Presence in the portal, customer can select the operator for number None center provisioning / management, or assignment Customer Number visualized in the portal as operator numbers IT admin or operator needs to assign number through PowerShell experience IT admin can assign numbers to users directly from the portal IT admin or operator needs to create/assign voice policies Data sharing CDR/CQD (QoS)/SLA data provided to operators through APIs CDR/CQD data can be retrieved tenant by tenant using delegated Joint CDR for customers reporting access Support / SLA Operator Tier 1 support; operator-Microsoft model in place Operator Tier 1 support Product change management and updates channel Escalations through Microsoft 365 support or premier support Back-to-back SLA in place between Microsoft and operator No SLA in place Management Dedicated management capabilities in operator portal/API (at GA) Delegated admin or Teams RBAC access required from customer Total cost of “As a service” model delivered by the operator SBC owned and operated by the customer or hosted/managed by ownership operator

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