Consultant/Agent/Reseller This segment typically does not have an internally developed product or technology. Instead, these organizations function as independent entities that help you sort through available options based on your company’s needs, budgets, and legacy infrastructure. They do the legwork, understanding each potential solution’s differentiators, as well as those of the vendors that provide them. Aside from helping with the pre-sales phase of the engagement, they deploy, optimize, deliver support and training, and help with other facets of technology. Trusted Advisor A Trusted Advisor is a technology company that translates the offerings of technology vendors and service providers into integrated solutions that further customers’ interests, typically by reducing costs or boosting productivity. They often are called “agents,” “resellers,” integrators,” or “managed service providers,” each of which has its own business-model variation. Trusted Advisors are third parties; they are neither owned by a vendor nor part of an internal IT department. They advise clients and make recommendations that customers then use in their decision making. Copyright © 2021 AVANT Communications, Inc. AVANT | SASE 6-12 Report | 22

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