AVANT | State of Disruption | 25 Weighting Statement Most often in survey research, the distribution of respondent characteristics, like age and company size, differs from what is known to be the true distribution of the population from which it came. If characteristics of the true distribution are known, it is appropriate to weight the survey sample to reflect the true distribution. In order to ensure that, the results of the AVANT State of Disruption survey are representative of the distribution of establishments in the US, a weighting scheme was applied based on the number of employees in the respondent company. The population data was taken from the number of firms, number of establishments, employment, and annual payroll for the United States. For some size categories it was necessary to interpolate between categories in order to match the employment categories of the sample. Other adjustments were made in order to eliminate firms with under 10 employees from the weighting scheme since they were deemed to be irrelevant to the analysis. The weights applied were relatively small. Sensitivity testing revealed that in most aspects of the analysis, the results from the weighted and unweighted samples were not significant. We believe, however, that weighting the sample will make it easier to interpret results for future comparable studies.

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