AVANT | State of Disruption | 7 Is your internal team fully qualified to plan, manage, optimize, and troubleshoot your entire IT infrastructure? 58% Highly Qualified 38% Role of the Somewhat Qualified 4% Trusted Advisor Somewhat Unqualified Figure 2.1 Nearly two thirds of the respondents report working with Trusted Advisors in More than 40% of respondents support of their IT decision-making process. An additional 37% use tools believe that their internal teams commonly made available by Trusted Advisors. are less than highly qualified Half the time, the Trusted Advisors assist with selecting and operationalizing to plan, manage, optimize, and new technologies, though the ultimate go/no-go decision is made internally by company IT teams. This participation spans a variety of cloud, security, and troubleshoot the full range of network-related functions. their IT infrastructure. As technologies continue to grow more complex, especially in terms of integration with other products and services, the role of the Trusted Advisor is likely to increase over time. Companies in this condition are most likely to seek the services of a Trusted Advisor, in whole or in part, depending upon their Resources to Support IT Decision-Making specific circumstances. 64% 49% 37% 52% 27% Third party Third party Tools (DC Locator, Self- Marketing consultant research Fiber Locator, etc) Assessment Collateral Figure 2.2

State of Disruption Report: UCaaS, CCaaS, SD-WAN, Cybersecurity - Page 9 State of Disruption Report: UCaaS, CCaaS, SD-WAN, Cybersecurity Page 8 Page 10