Top trends in Customer Experience The top trend: Additional insights Automation Omnichannel CCaaS (Contact Center as a Service) is our third trend and is, again, related to the 昀椀rst. The aforementioned Customer Experience Automation (CXA) refers to AI-driven AI-driven platforms are often delivered as a service. CCaaS, like Contact Center platforms that can be used to streamline interac- many “as a Service” platforms, o昀昀ers many inherent bene昀椀ts over tions between customers and your enterprise during customer on-premises equipment. Chief among these bene昀椀ts is the lower support interactions and other communications. Using AI, the total cost of ownership (TCO), OpEx model, scalability, and redun- platform can learn the best ways to handle, for example, repeti- dancy/availability. While this technology is being heavily adopted, tive tasks or data collection. Doing so can improve the Customer many enterprises still use legacy equipment. Many more, however, Experience by making these interactions faster, more accurate, purchased their 昀椀rst CCaaS platform in the preceding years before and less emotional, among other benefits. the market was as mature, and the platforms as sophisticated, as they are now. As the contracts during initial rounds of adoption come to term, now is a good time to evaluate new possibilities and Automation to reduce human capital o昀昀erings that have emerged in the past few years. costs and focus on monetizing Virtual Customer Assistants and Broadcast functionality are fea- data will be an increasing trend for tures that many companies could bene昀椀t from. VCAs, also AI-driv- the foreseeable future. en, are similar to some CXA functionalities in that they can power chat and handle transactional customer interactions. Broadcast can allow you to e昀케ciently handle mass communications, useful This process is often initiated using Conversational AI, our in emergencies or for relaying account updates, sales, or other second highest-ranked trend in this technology area. It can be scenarios where one-to-many mass communication is needed. delivered in an omnichannel fashion, supporting voice interac- Finally, Immersive Experience and the Metaverse ranked in last tions, chat, SMS, and more. All contact modalities are driven by place, and can probably fall off your radar for a little while– unless the same AI engine, so it’s easy to meet your customers where you are in a very unique situation. Enterprises that are known to they are, and even change modalities without interruption. be inventive, push the limits of bleeding-edge technology, and Automation and AI technologies in CX settings create a more whose brands are tied to this kind of early adoption may start consistent experience for customers, one that feels natural but experimenting with creating a virtual Customer Experience. But lacks the margin for human error. When done elegantly, CXA can it’s a rare use case– for most, Emerging Technology will be of little improve customer satisfaction and even be a messaging pillar of relevance in 2024. a brand used to differentiate from the competition. At the same time, it reduces the need for headcount, scales easier, and is easier to manage. UPSTACK © The 2024 Technology Trends Report | 6

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