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Executive Summary Traditional contact centers are grappling with challenges such as long customer wait times, inadequate routing of inquiries, and limited agent efficiency, resulting in suboptimal customer experiences. To improve the operational efficiency of contact centers, organizations need a contact center solution with AI-powered automation and analytics, intelligent call routing, and data-driven insights into agent performance. Dialpad Ai Contact Center is a solution that leverages artificial intelligence (AI) and advanced automation to KEY STATISTICS improve the operational efficiency of contact centers. The solution provides organizations with AI-powered call routing and real-time assistance for agents, streamlining customer interactions and reducing wait times and handle times. Additionally, businesses can use Dialpad to gain visibility into their contact centers’ Return on investment (ROI) Net present value (NPV) workflows, enhancing customer and agent 381% $10.42M experiences. Forrester research describes how contact center-as- a-service (CCaaS) systems have become channels, and it promises to have greater relevance 2 increasingly important to customer service in recent and value in the future. AI capabilities also gather years: “The flexibility and agility of CCaaS systems and quantify customer feedback from previously inaccessible call recordings and support more useful cement the technology’s role as the norm for resilient 3 contact centers [on-premises and in work-from-home feedback within the contact center. environments]. Meanwhile, CCaaS has morphed into Dialpad commissioned Forrester Consulting to its own beast — it is no longer just a cloud-based conduct a Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study and copy of premises-based systems. CCaaS systems examine the potential return on investment (ROI) make advanced customer service practical. They enterprises may realize by deploying Ai Contact simplify omnichannel communications, provide critical 4 Center. The purpose of this study is to provide customer data on the agent desktop, and tightly readers with a framework to evaluate the potential integrate with workforce optimization (WFO) tools to financial impact of Ai Contact Center on their improve agent performance and customer experience organizations. 1 (CX).” To better understand the benefits, costs, and risks AI has fueled transformation in the contact center. associated with this investment, Forrester interviewed According to Forrester research, it now permeates four representatives with experience using Ai Contact every element of a differentiated CCaaS offering, Center. For the purposes of this study, Forrester from self-service to post-contact analytics. It already aggregated the interviewees’ experiences and drives value by summarizing call transcripts for combined the results into a single composite efficiency and boosting productivity in text-based organization that is a global organization with THE TOTAL ECONOMIC IMPACT™ OF DIALPAD AI CONTACT CENTER 1

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