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Secure Access Service Edge, 2023 Research summary Across industries, organizations find themselves in need of transforming their legacy networking and security infrastructure to better support both a hybrid workforce and increased use of cloud-based services. Added to this need is the challenge of achieving optimal operational efficiency due to the discrete networking and security tools in their IT environment. These infrastructure silos drive a strong need for organizations to consolidate the number of vendors and point solutions they use under a single secure access service edge (SASE) platform model. Many organizations, especially large businesses, still rely heavily on legacy technology stacks, and they often find it hard to replace or fully transition to the single SASE architecture because the project cuts across both networking and security stakeholders, meaning the networking and security teams must work together toward a common goal. As a result, organizations remain cautious about making a single SASE investment, and many of them still take a component-based or best-of-breed approach to SASE. However, Frost & Sullivan still expects demand for single-vendor SASE to grow significantly in the next few years as organizations look to manage networking and security services from one converged platform for better service performance and user experience. The SASE model answers this need and delivers visibility and security effectiveness. Customers can manage all policies centrally and enforce them consistently across different services to ensure service interoperability, performance, and efficiency, which helps reduce management overhead. The SASE industry remains in a nascent stage of development, and only a handful of vendors provide a comprehensive single SASE offering with in-house networking and security capabilities. Frost & Sullivan selected nine companies for this analysis based on their leadership or other distinctions and benchmarked them across 10 Growth and Innovation criteria to reveal their position on the Frost Radar. The publication presents competitive profiles of each company on the Frost Radar considering their strengths and the opportunities that best fit those strengths. © 2023 Frost & Sullivan. All rights reserved. This document contains highly confidential information and is the sole property of Frost & Sullivan. No part of it may be circulated, quoted, copied, or otherwise reproduced without the written approval of Frost & Sullivan.

The Top SASE Provider 2023 Cato Networks - Page 3 The Top SASE Provider 2023 Cato Networks Page 2 Page 4