“Start by understanding the network itself and Once priorities are established, the methodology identifying any issues, and cleaning those up, for migration pretty much writes itself. agreed Globalgig’s McKinnon. “Regardless of Another complicating factor may be a managerial which technologies you’d like to add, if you reluctance to take a stand in favor of SASE have underlying issues, they’re not magically migration or, at the other end of the spectrum, going to be fixed. So, I would apply SASE after I a situation in which you have “too many cooks deal with the network architecture issues. The in the kitchen.” In the first case, the CIO or other only exception would be if you had some kind executives may need to clearly articulate the of compliance requirement that needed to be direction and assign team members to take addressed immediately. I don’t see any problem direct action. In other situations, networking with deploying SASE ahead of that. But typically, people, security staff, and others may begin if you apply SASE while you have an underlying jockeying for budgetary position, in which case network issue, you’re only complicating matters the resulting strategy may become less coherent. because now you have multiple new components In extreme cases, you may see multiple tools and you have to determine what’s causing serving the same function because a clear the problem.” strategy was not in place. “The network and security teams sometimes don’t like each other,” added AVANT’s Bill Franklin. “Some teams have been stepping on each other’s toes for years, in which case you need to start at a place where both sides can agree.” “Some individuals may be more cloud-focused than others who are more appliance-based – which means you may be displacing vendors with whom they’ve been working for a long time, and that could cause friction.” In such cases it’s not just a technical decision; it’s a political decision as well. Copyright © 2021 AVANT Communications, Inc. AVANT | SASE 6-12 Report | 18

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