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RingCentral® Customer Success Story | CMMS Data Group CMMS Data Group Validates RingCentral Integration with Salesforce® Lightning When Salesforce introduced the Lightning Combined, these RingCentral integrations user interface overhaul to its suite of cloud “can add 20% or more calling time to their Company profile software, it promised easier customization day,” he states. CMMS Data Group is the creator of workspaces for everyone and a simpler of MVP Plant, software that lets approach to software development for Meanwhile, the Salesforce suite plays a role maintenance, facilities, reliability, and add-on modules. However, it also created in “pretty much every single thing we do inventory professionals work smarter a dilemma for customers who had added as a company,” Clark says, including sales, and more efficiently. customizations to what is now known customer service and support, and marketing as “Salesforce Classic”—the change was automation with Salesforce’s Pardot. Website dramatic enough that it broke compatibility Validating the integration with many apps and integrations. Clark initially tested the RingCentral When RingCentral announced a beta version integration on his own account before Office of its Lightning integration, CMMS Data giving it to one of his lead salesmen to try Chicago Group was quick to sign up. The company, for a week. “He was able to do his normal developer of the MVP Plant maintenance workflow,” Clark says. The Lightning Size management software, has been trying integration provides the same basic to work through a checklist of important functionality as the “classic” version, 30 employees integrations as quickly as possible, says just appearing in a different position on Year founded Jonathan Clark, Director of Professional the screen. Services. Although Salesforce is allowing 2000 customers to decide whether to move to “We’ve checked RingCentral off the list” Lightning at their own pace, the newest of integrations needing to be ported to features are only available to users of the Lightning, Clark shares. Unfortunately, as Lightning version. “I would constantly see of April 2017, CMMS hadn’t completed things I wanted, only to find out they were its testing of all the Salesforce add-ons it only in Lightning,” he says. wants to continue using. In one case, where The Lightning UI provides a software vendor proved unresponsive, Both Salesforce CRM and RingCentral CMMS had to drop that vendor. new layout options, allowing Office® are essential tools for the CMMS salespeople ‘to have more data sales and service teams, but to be most useful CMMS originally planned to make the switch in front of them, in an optimized they had to work together. to Lightning in early 2017, but because the fashion.’ With RingCentral Office CMMS technical staff is tied up with other integration, they can be even more Essential business software projects, Clark can only say it will happen by productive. “For us, the driving factor is sales, as it is the end of the year. — Jonathan Clark, Director of in most places,” Clark says. Click-to-call Professional Services He is looking forward to it. The Lightning dialing saves time spent manually dialing UI provides new layout options, allowing the phone. Automatic matching of phone salespeople “to have more data in front of numbers to customer records allows those them, in an optimized fashion,” Clark says. records to be displayed the moment a sales With RingCentral Office integration, they can or service representative picks up the phone. be even more productive. RingCentral, Inc. 20 Davis Drive, Belmont, CA 94002. ©2017 RingCentral, Inc. All rights reserved. RingCentral, RingCentral Office, RingCentral Meetings, and the RingCentral logo are trademarks of RingCentral, Inc. Other third-party marks and logos displayed in this document are the trademarks of their respective owners. KID-8428 04/17

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