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THE CLOUD STRATEGY COMPANYTM CASE STUDY International Law Firm Drives Communications Reliability Across 60+ Worldwide Locations; Saves Over $300,000 a Year. Leverages Evolve IP’s Integrated Communications Solution for IP Phone System, Unified Communications and Collaboration, and Contact Center gletree Deakins, an international law They ultimately chose to deploy the Immediate Results ™ O Evolve IP OneCloud which runs on the firm with thousands of employees, Financial Savings - Ogletree Deakins was using a “hodge-podge” of world’s largest, most stable, and scalable not only received one of the world’s communications solutions to serve 60+ communications platform from Cisco, leading IP phone systems and contact locations around the globe, according and provided the firm with multiple cloud centers, they saved over $300,000 to Ken Schultz, Chief Information Officer. computing options as well. annually. “It makes it easy to sell to the Each location had a different system and Worldwide Improvements board,” noted Schultz. frequent outages left Ogletree Deakins struggling to recover. Ken said, “it was Ogletree Deakins deployed Evolve Stability - Since switching to Evolve once or twice a day we had an outage IP’s unified phone and contact center IP, Ogletree Deakins has gone from somewhere in the world.” across 60 locations including London, experiencing daily system outages Reliability, Reliability, Reliability Berlin, Toronto, Paris, Mexico City, to none at all. “We haven’t had any and St. Thomas and saw immediate system outages and can forward calls This was a major impediment to client improvements. from the main number to another relations and the handling of time- “We went with Evolve IP because of their location if there’s a disaster or sensitive issues. When Ken started as CIO stability and reliability. We knew we business continuity issue.” at Ogletree Deakins, he recognized that, wanted a hosted solution and Evolve IP Mobile Access - Thanks to the “the #1 problem was the reliability of the was the perfect fit,” said Ken. Evolve IP collaboration and unified communications and contact center. For communications mobile application a law firm to be losing calls, that is a really Today, in addition to the security Ogletree Deakins attorneys can big problem.” provided by having their phones and receive office calls out of pocket, While Ogletree Deakins had exceptional contact center running in the cloud, each anytime. “Single number follow has resources and expertise to serve their location is implementing redundancies been great. The attorneys all have the clients, communication difficulties to provide a backup network. app on their phone, so they can see directly impacted their ability to do All employees also have a unified any call coming in no matter where so successfully. Not only did their communications application on their they are.” external communications suffer, internal mobile phone. In this way, even in a More Collaboration - Internal collaboration became impaired as well. blackout, Ogletree Deakins’ lawyers connectivity between locations has As Ken noted, “people tended to be a lot are able to take calls wherever they’re become easier and more reliable. more siloed.” located. Schultz noted, “we are able to do a Recognizing the impact of these issues, “We thought about hosting a solution better job collaborating and we feel Ogletree Deakins underwent a vigorous ourselves, but we didn’t have the more connected; more a part of the process to replace their disparate stomach to do it right. We would need same organization.” systems with an integrated IP phone a lot of infrastructure and the right hires. and contact center solution. Even then we wouldn’t be able to match the reliability of Evolve IP,” said Schultz. “That’s the type of proposition I like to bring to a Board of Directors. When I Ken Schultz can say, ’we can get everything new, be completely redundant, it can meet all CIO of Ogletree Deakins of our needs, and oh, by the way we are going to save over $300,000 a year.’ It makes it easy for me to sell!” [email protected] 610.964.8000 1

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