Study Overview Zoom commissioned Metrigy to conduct a study in 2021 to examine the cost, utilization, and management of voice and meetings solutions. Metrigy fielded the study from July 28 to August 7, 2021 with a random statistical sampling of businesses with more than 1,000 employees. A total of 761 organizations from nine countries passed Metrigy’s extensive data integrity checks and were included in the study. Metrigy developed research hypotheses and questions and conducted the research independently. Research participants answered questions about their single UCaaS provider, or their multiple providers, for telephony and meetings. If companies used multiple providers, we asked for them to provide data for their primary provider and isolated figures for voice and meetings. The study evaluated the following: • Uptime and reliability • Employee ease and frequency of use • Employee training duration • Speed to problem-resolution • Cost to deploy • Cost to operate Metrigy received utilization and cost data on a total of 23 Unified Communications providers. Metrigy then calculated the average (measured as an arithmetic mean) across all numeric questions in the study, including costs, number of staff members required, and timeframes. After that, Metrigy segmented the average of the numeric responses received for Zoom and compared those to the average of the numeric response delivered for all providers in the study. Charts in this report contain the average of the data provided for Zoom, along with the average of the data provided for all 23 providers combined, allowing for the comparison of Zoom’s response to the industry. Cost Analysis Evaluating costs requires careful evaluation because provider pricing is not apples-to-apples, and can be complex. Some view UCaaS as “free” because it’s bundled into an overall enterprise license that includes other capabilities, such as productivity applications, networking hardware, or contact center platforms. We evaluated licensing costs and instructed research participants to isolate UCaaS application licensing without the additional bundled options, where relevant. Additional cost comparisons are more straight-forward. We analyzed one-time deployment costs, including the sum of third-party costs and internal staff salaries. We also analyzed ongoing management and operational costs, including IT staff time and third-party managed services. With all our cost analysis, we gather total costs and normalize the data as total cost per employee license. 4 ©Metrigy, 2022

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