In many cases, industry segments in the survey showed increased momentum for digital transformation initiatives. Financial services (including insurance) swung from 45% of respondents reporting that they “Always Figure 3.1 Distribution of leaders & laggards within each industry want to be at the forefront of IT” in our 2021 study, to 75% in this year’s survey, while 64% of legal and high- tech businesses reported the same. Amid the pandemic, retail was near the top of the 2021 survey with 56% of 25% respondents classifying themselves as leaders. This increased to 58% in 2024, as many companies continued 36% e昀昀orts around customer support and online or hybrid shopping experiences. 42% At the other end of the scale, a slowing real estate 45% market, rising interest rates, and layo昀昀s at tech-oriented 47% real estate platforms like Zillow and Redfin revealed an industry less invested in transformation, with 80% falling 49% under the “laggards” category. Of that majority, 67% are taking a more cautious approach of monitoring new 52% tech and making decisions a昀琀er seeing the experiences of other competitors; another 7% only engage new tech 58% when the status quo has proven ine昀昀ective. Education, Source: AVANT Analytics State of Disruption 2024 hospitality, food/beverage, and government (reported in the ‘other’ category) joined the energy industry at the “laggards” end of the transformation pool. Copyright © 2024 AVANT Communications, Inc. 11