Calero SaaS Solution Sheet
SaaS Expense Management
The Top SaaS expense management solution.
SaaS Expense Management Simplify with complete SaaS Management SaaS applications are essential to an organization’s productivity and ability to scale, but if left unchecked, the scope, risk, and spend of SaaS apps can get out of control. Calero provides a platform for organizations to discover, manage, and optimize their SaaS portfolio and licenses. allows IT teams to centralize their view across their entire organization’s SaaS apps and licenses for complete visibility and control, resulting in savings and reduced risk. Discover Spend Manage Spend Optimize Spend • Connect directly to • Connect directly to • Standard policies that identity and SSO providers SaaS vendors to unlock allow you to quickly actionable insights and optimize • Discover SaaS expense keep your license data in • Zero and low usage from your expense sync automatically licenses systems • Automate cost allocation • Use Calero’s Smart by integrating SaaS • Active licenses assigned to Automation to discover spend directly to your users that have left spend directly from organization structure, • Apps that do the same vendor invoices locations, employees and thing (duplicate products) • Uncover near-real-time line managers • Plan upgrade key usage, cost, & plan • Manage the cost of your and downgrade data with automatic licenses, understand your recommendations and synchronization contractual limits and many more quickly identify spare • Con昀椀gurable policies licenses within your SaaS speci昀椀c to your agreements agreements Powerful, Flexible Analytics • Leverage Calero’s analytics module to manage the total cost of your SaaS and technology spend across the enterprise • Rich standard content to get you started with the ability to harness all of your data and usage patterns • Fully con昀椀gurable, self-service analytics using industry-leading technology to build the insights you need

Solution Features API Integrations: Direct integration with vendor Expense Audit and Validation: Detailed APIs that uncovers an enterprises SaaS estate information for validating costs and identifying in minutes, pulls information automatically, inaccuracies, as well as tools to identify and and provides detailed granular user and usage address rightsizing requirements. information. Granular Insights: Extremely granular data, Inventory Management: E昀昀ectively manages SaaS exceeding what vendor portals provide. By directly portfolios. Advanced API integrations enable direct translating this data to 昀椀t an expense and asset inventory loading, allowing users to store and track management perspective, Calero makes complex usage and cost of these licenses and services. information clear. Contract Management: In-depth benchmarking Program Management: Accurately track and tools to conduct meaningful price assessments, allocate SaaS costs across multiple departments and alongside best-in-class analytics, allowing you to regions to e昀昀ectively manage your SaaS estate. Our make the right contract decisions. solution integrates directly with HRIS systems for automated policy management in a single location. “There’s nothing else on the market capable of doing what Calero is doing today.” - Manager of Information Technology for Valmont Industries Why Our Solution Full app discovery and onboarding using: Your Enterprise SaaS Apps Covered and thousands more! Success Story: Learn how we provided Valmont Industries visibility, control, and optimization over their SaaS estate 36% of Zoom 24% of Zoom Bottom Line: Enterprise Enterprise 280% ROI based licenses returned licenses returned on savings 36% automatically 24% based on low 280% opportunties, based on no usage within with 60% of meetings held Zoom basic Zoom Enterprise over 90 days subscription tier licenses returned or downgraded automatically +1 (866) 769-5992