dropouts and loosing connec琀椀ons on Adobe Connect and Skype for Business,” said Orwin. He found Zoom on the recommenda琀椀on of another university and started using it with a free license. “It was easy. It worked on limited bandwidth. I was hooked,” he said Orwin purchased more Kubis and realized that they came with 1-year Zoom Pro licenses. He then worked with Kubi, Zoom, and his peers from other schools including the University of Arizona and Michigan State University, to streamline the Kubi-Zoom integra琀椀on. In using Zoom and Kubi together, “It clicked. I realized that I needed to get Zoom for the iSchool. Of all the mee琀椀ng tech we’ve used, Zoom is the best. It has the best video quality and connec琀椀on status. It just works.” They rolled out Zoom and it was quickly “A huge success,” said Orwin. “We have incredible usage on Zoom. At least double that of Adobe Connect. It’s very simple to use, whereas Connect was extremely complex to use.” The Kubi integra琀椀on is another factor in the success of Zoom at UW: “The 琀椀ght integra琀椀on with Kubi is awesome. With Adobe Connect, it took working with a couple di昀昀erent apps to have both systems running, whereas with the Kubi-Zoom solu琀椀on, you only need to have the Kubi app open.” Orwin has seen usage of Kubi and Zoom blossom, par琀椀cularly in streaming campus events to online students. It is also used heavily for elec琀椀ve courses. “Elec琀椀ve courses o昀琀en don’t have enough students either online or in person, so we put them together into one hybrid course. We set up Kubis in the classroom and bring in online students virtually.” The best part? The students and professors love their Zoom helps businesses and organiza琀椀ons bring their teams new technology – it truly brings them together. Explained together in a fric琀椀onless cloud environment to get more done. Orwin, “The 昀椀rst 琀椀me the Kubi running Zoom moved, the Our easy, reliable, video- 昀椀rst uni昀椀ed communica琀椀ons pla琀昀orm for video, voice, content sharing, and chat runs across mobile devices, professor was like ‘Whoa, I actually know someone is there.’ desktops, telephones, and room systems. Founded in 2011, It provides a real presence for the person on the remote Zoom is a publicly traded company on Nasdaq (琀椀cker: ZM) and headquartered in San Jose, California. end and the person in the room.” Visit zoom.com and follow @zoom_us. University of Washington | October 2019

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