Case Study Zoom University of Washington

case study The University of Washington Upgrades their eLearning with Zoom and Kubi University of Washington The Informa琀椀on School (iSchool) at the University of Challenges: Introduce Washington is no stranger to online educa琀椀on. In fact, their synchronous ac琀椀vi琀椀es into graduate degree program in Library and Informa琀椀on Science eLearning programs to build has been hos琀椀ng asynchronous online programs for the past stronger rela琀椀onships and 15 years. be琀琀er learning experiences for students and professors. Randy Orwin joined the iSchool in 2011 as the Online Solu琀椀on: Deploy the 琀椀ghtly- Learning Administrator and currently works remotely integrated combina琀椀on of Zoom from Australia. Orwin’s job was to introduce synchronous and Kubi in their classrooms. ac琀椀vi琀椀es such as virtual o昀케ce hours into their eLearning Business Bene昀椀ts: Quick programs to, as Orwin said, “Build rela琀椀onships among adop琀椀on and high usage of the students, between students and their professors, and new video solu琀椀on, especially between students and content”. for small elec琀椀ve courses. At 昀椀rst, they just used Adobe Connect to build out asynchronous and synchronous o昀昀erings. Then, in April 2015, Orwin encountered a Kubi, the telepresence robo琀椀c stand that pans and 琀椀lts a tablet for more engaging face- to-face interac琀椀on on video calls. “I knew it would provide a be琀琀er feeling of presence for remote and local a琀琀endees. We started using them for program mee琀椀ngs and received a lot of posi琀椀ve feedback about how the online person on the Kubi wasn’t feeling forgo琀琀en by local a琀琀endees,” explained Orwin. “It was an ‘a ha’ moment. We started using Kubi for our synchronous hybrid courses where online and in-person cohorts were sharing a class.” As the iSchool was 昀椀nding success with the Kubis, Orwin was also searching for a be琀琀er virtual mee琀椀ng pla琀昀orm. “Being on the other side of the planet with a slow Internet connec琀椀on, I was having problems with

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