Enforcing one set of security rules in the cloud for all users and resources makes secure much easier to manage and update. Policies can also be customized to meet the needs of individual locations, users and more from the Cato management console. “The Cato management console is very easy to comprehend,” says Dela Cruz. As for the users, Standard Insurance employees enjoy a better user experience. Previously, IPVPN bandwidth was limited to 1 Mbits/s. With Cato we increased Internet bandwidth by 10x, signi昀椀cantly improving performance without increasing costs.” Standard Insurance Looks Towards the Future with Cato Standard Insurance will continue with its broader transformation efforts. Initiatives planned include implementing single sign-on (SSO) for all of its applications and numerous application changes. As for the infrastructure, Standard Insurance is looking to roll out more mobile clients to bring more dealers and agents onto the network. We are recommending Cato to our business partners. We love that the solution is cloud- based, easy to manage, and less expensive than other options.” Cato. Ready for Whatever’s Next Case Studies - Banking/Credit union & Financial Services 17