As for the future, Nakajima plans to use Cato to create a business continuity/disaster recovery plan that will fail over from AWS to Azure or vice versa. “I’m trying to create a structure where if one cloud service goes down the network won’t be cut off,” says Nakajima. I would recommend Cato most of all for its 昀氀exibility. It’s so easy. Jut try it out and see if it works for you. We started with our overseas WAN, expanded to remote access and now we’re moving on to other locations. We really haven’t had any major issues.” Background With expertise in advanced technology and global business development, Topcon Corp provides global solutions to meet societal challenges in healthcare, agriculture, and infrastructure. Solutions include agricultural equipment automation and agricultural crop management using digital sensors. Topcon is based in Tokyo, Japan with offices in the Americas, Middle East, Africa, and Asia Pacific. Before Cato, Topcon relied on MPLS connections where they were available and VPN connections where they were not, with firewall appliances at each location and a VPN service for remote access. Cato. Ready for Whatever’s Next Case Studies - Healthcare 6

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