Fast, Secure WAN and Remote Access Worldwide Implementing the Cato solution was quick and smooth, thanks to Cato’s simple socket appliances and help from GlobalDots. “They did most of the work,” says Nakajima. “As long as there was an Internet connection in our Asian offices, GlobalDots could handle just about everything else remotely. We also replaced our remote access service with Cato’s for about 600 employees, starting with smart phones. It took a little education to get them started but it was pretty smooth.” Staff PC’s will come next. Performance in China and other regions without MPLS has been fast, but its Cato’s simplicity that has really impressed Nakajima. “Cato’s biggest benefit from my point of view is that the network operators no longer need any specialized knowledge,” says Nakajima. “We have a small network staff, and they have to look after the internal network, the Asian network, and our domestic WAN. Now they don’t have to deal with all those version upgrades, security patches, outages, and support issues. Aside from the time and resources saved, there are no more of the human configuration errors we used to have.” Nakajima is also impressed with how easy and quick bandwidth upgrades are with Cato. We’ve been moving to cloud services such as AWS and Azure, and in the initial design phase we can invest in the minimum bandwidth we need. Then we can quickly ramp up the bandwidth with Cato when we need it.” Topcon had a WAN connection in the U.S. that was impacted by wildfires, requiring a quick replacement, which came easily with Cato SASE. “Normally we would have had to run another MPLS line, which would have taken a long time, but with Cato we were able to recover immediately with nothing more than a contract change,” says Nakajima. “It’s so great for our business when we can do these kinds of things so fast.” Nakajima also saw the true value of Cato’s remote access service when Covid hit. “Basically, nothing happened,” said Nakajima. “Cato’s remote access was already deployed for our workers so there wasn’t much to do. And since nothing happened, management was amazed when they started reading about all the problems other companies were having giving their employees the capability to work from home.” Overall, the Cato SASE solution has been a big success for Topcon. “We were able to provide a fast connection and secure environment for our employees, even when Covid hit and they had to work from home, “says Nakajima.“ The Wi-Fi networks users had at home were not very secure after all, but it didn’t matter with Cato’s security services. Management has been happy with how quickly we can set up Cato at new locations and how well work-from-home went during Covid.” Cato. Ready for Whatever’s Next Case Studies - Healthcare 5
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