Pet Lovers Deploys 100-site SD-WAN, Eliminates Firewalls with Cato Cloud Branch Appliance Elimination Challenge: How to Connect and David Whye Tye Ng CEO &Executive Secure 100+ Stores Easily and Director A昀昀ordably About Like many retailers, Pet Lovers needed an effective way to secure its Pet Lovers stores and franchises. The spread of massive ransomware outbreaks, Pet Lovers Centre Pte such as NotPetya, concerned David Whye Tye Ng, the CEO and Ltd is a leading Asian executive director at Pet Lovers. retailer of pet products Pet Lovers had already connected and secured traffic between and services. It is one of stores with an Internet-based, virtual private network (VPN). Routers the largest and oldest at every store directed point-of-sale (POS) traffic across the IPsec pet store chains in VPN to firewalls in the company’s Singapore datacenter housing its Singapore. Today, Pet POS servers. But other than the datacenter and four stores, none of Lovers Centre has 65 the locations had firewalls to protect them against malware and other stores in Singapore, 23 attacks. Protection was particularly important as employees accessed stores in Malaysia, and 5 in the Internet directly. Thailand. Adding firewall or unified threat management (UTM) appliances at each site would have been cost prohibitive and taken far too long to deploy. For those sites equipped with firewall appliances, managing them was “tedious and slow,” says Ng. All security policy changes had to be implemented by the local service provider running the firewalls. Cato. Ready for Whatever’s Next Case Studies - Retail 13

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