Deployment is Simple, Visibility and Control Improve Signi昀椀cantly Since deploying Cato, Zidaj has seen uptime improve significantly. “Our Cato dashboard now usually shows all locations connected and says users have noticed the more reliable access,” he says. Better network connectivity has directly impacted the business. Now our inventory database stays current because with Cato our connectivity is so solid. If there’s a brownout or even a blackout on one line, Cato auto-connects by itself.” And with Cato’s next-generation firewall (NGFW) inspecting all Internet and WAN traffic — encrypted and unencrypted — Zidaj is able to better secure his network. “The single pane management also gave us much improved control and visibility. Management is now able to see if shop staff are visiting Web sites that didn’t comply with our security policies — and take action.” Cato. Ready for Whatever’s Next Case Studies - Retail 12

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