The CompTIA MSP Guidebook: Cultivating a Culture of Process E昀케ciency 4. The Closing Meeting This is when you will present proposed contracts and pricing, schedule onboarding and talk implementation. Some MSPs view this as an optional meeting but it is a good idea to schedule this and include decision makers in the process. 5. The Onboarding Meeting This is a good time to set realistic expectations on timelines for completion and ensure that everyone understands your onboarding process. During the onboarding meeting make sure you: • Clarify objectives. Be clear on what you will be doing. Clearly articulate the products and programs you will be implementing. • Set timelines. De昀椀ne the timelines and process that will occur during the relationship and what should be expected and when. • Educate sta昀昀. Make sure that not only the stakeholders understand your program but also the entire sta昀昀. Take time to educate everyone. • Communicate the plan. Communication is essential to success. Interact often and with the right people. Make sure you have a plan for this. 6. The Ongoing Strategy Meeting/Call Plan an ongoing bi-monthly strategy call or meeting to keep momentum going. Review the current plan and its performance and ask questions to ensure you are meeting the customer’s current needs. This is also an opportunity to review progress to-date. Your plan should have some goals based on measurables. Make sure that the customer can also see the progress. BONUS It’s OK to refrain from doing business with a customer that does not 昀椀t your program or plan. TIP! Most importantly, don’t take on a client that doesn’t allow you to make a pro昀椀t. You won’t stay in business if you can’t a昀昀ord to run it. With a comprehensive plan, program, and documented procedures for customer success you will enjoy greater success in your business! 17
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