The CompTIA MSP Guidebook: Cultivating a Culture of Process E昀케ciency Assess Your Service Portfolio How can you create a compelling value proposition that di昀昀erentiates your company from competitors? It’s All About Your Ideal Customer Understanding your ideal customer pro昀椀le (ICP) is a cornerstone for success in the competitive landscape of MSPs. By delving deep into the needs and preferences of your target audience, you gain the power to tailor your services, marketing e昀昀orts and operations to align perfectly with your ideal clients. Understanding your ICP enables you to attract the right clients, customize your o昀昀erings, di昀昀erentiate yourself from competitors and deliver exceptional customer experiences, ultimately leading to business growth and success. What Customers Should I Target? In the beginning, it is bene昀椀cial to be opportunistic (serve as many types of customers as you can). But as you grow and mature, you should narrow your focus to the customer where you win the most. Consider these factors when creating your ICP: • Industry Focus: Industries like healthcare, 昀椀nance, legal, manufacturing and professional services often require reliable IT services to support their operations e昀昀ectively. • Business Size: Small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) with 10 to 250 employees are more likely to require outsourced IT services due to limited in-house resources. But businesses with fewer than 10 employees often need extra attention to justify the value of the MSP cost. Businesses with 100+ employees may require additional assistance with strategy and compliance. • Geographical Location: Identify where you can provide e昀케cient onsite support. Remember that remote support can be provided regardless of the location. • IT Budget: Identify companies that understand the importance of technology investment and its impact on their operations. • Pain Points: Identify speci昀椀c IT challenges commonly faced by SMBs and tailor your sales pitch to address these directly. • Scalability: Look for businesses with growth potential and expansion plans. Organizations that are planning to grow will bene昀椀t from scalable IT solutions, providing you with long- term sales opportunities. 5

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