The CompTIA MSP Guidebook: Cultivating a Culture of Process E昀케ciency • Compliance Requirements: Focus on industries with stringent regulatory compliance needs, such as healthcare (HIPAA), 昀椀nance (PCI DSS) or legal (data privacy laws). Position your services as a solution to help clients meet and maintain compliance, as this can be a critical factor for businesses in these sectors. • Digital Transformation Readiness: Target businesses that are open to digital transformation initiatives. These companies are more likely to invest in technology upgrades and be receptive to innovative IT solutions that can help drive their digital transformation. • Value of Downtime: Identify businesses that heavily rely on their IT infrastructure and understand the cost and impact of downtime. Where Do I Win? If you already have a set of customers, let’s understand where you win. Complete the table below to inform your ICP. Customer IT Budget Annual Industry Employee Region Pain Name Revenue Size Points Do you see any trends? Are there more customers of a speci昀椀c size, industry or pain point? Are there other types of customers that don’t 昀椀t the mold at all? By identifying trends, you can narrow your focus to a speci昀椀c type of customer. BONUS Remember to regularly review and re昀椀ne your ideal client pro昀椀le based on the success TIP! of your sales e昀昀orts, market trends and customer feedback. Continuously adapt your approach to target the most promising opportunities. BONUS TIP! 6

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