HIRE A NETWORK AGGREGATOR TO INCREASE PERFORMANCE & LOWER COST Reduced Costs Increased Bandwidth Redundancy & E昀케ciency Resilience Aggregating multiple circuits or By combining multiple Aggregating networks can networks can help businesses connections, businesses can provide redundancy and negotiate better rates with achieve higher bandwidth failover capabilities, ensuring providers, leading to monthly capacity at a lower cost per unit, business continuity in network bill savings. improving network performance outages. This can prevent and reducing the need for costly downtime and loss of additional upgrades. productivity. Simpli昀椀ed Scalability Management Conclusion Managing a single aggregated network Network aggregation allows businesses to quickly connection is easier and more cost e昀昀ective than scale up or down their network capacity as Network or circuit aggregation can help businesses managing multiple separate connections. This needed without incurring signi昀椀cant costs. This save money by reducing costs, improving network can reduce operational costs and streamline 昀氀exibility can help businesses adapt to changing performance, enhancing resilience, simplifying network administration tasks. bandwidth requirements without overspending. management, and providing scalability for future growth. www.readynine.com 7