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AVANT | State of Disruption | 9 Distribution of Leaders & Laggards Within Each Industry 56% 44% Retail/E-Commerce 49% 51% Manufacturing Leaders vs Laggards 61% 39% High Tech 35% 65% Among those surveyed, two groups Healthcare/Medical emerged: Leaders (those who 45% 55% Financial Services see themselves as ahead of their 47% 53% Consulting/Business Services competitors in terms of innovation) 61% 39% and Laggards (those who feel they Construction/Engineering 52% 48% are behind). Other Leader Laggard Figure 3.1 Construction/Engineering and High Tech lead the league in this self- Leaders, Laggards & Trusted Advisors perception, with 61% classifying themselves as Leaders in each case. Professionals in the Healthcare/Medical field were most likely to see their companies as Laggards. Traditionally, this vertical is slower in adoption due to security and compliance-related issues. 54% 46% 63% 37% Engages with TA Leader Laggard Does not engage with TA Figure 3.2

State of Disruption 2021 - Page 11 State of Disruption 2021 Page 10 Page 12