Analysis Of Benefits Quantified benefit data as applied to the composite Total Benefits Ref. Benefit Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total Present Value Atr Contact center agent productivity $3,900,000 $3,900,000 $3,900,000 $11,700,000 $9,698,723 Btr Manager productivity $263,250 $263,250 $263,250 $789,750 $654,664 Ctr Contact center reduced turnover $450,000 $450,000 $450,000 $1,350,000 $1,119,083 Dtr Reduction in downtime and abandoned calls $113,077 $113,077 $113,077 $339,231 $281,206 Etr Legacy system deprecation $563,550 $563,550 $563,550 $1,690,650 $1,401,465 Total benefits (risk-adjusted) $5,289,877 $5,289,877 $5,289,877 $15,869,631 $13,155,141 CONTACT CENTER AGENT PRODUCTIVITY real-time assist cards have been extremely Evidence and data. With Dialpad Ai Contact Center, helpful for our customer service staff. If interviewees reported that their contact center agents something comes up, agents can easily click a were able to address customer inquiries faster, button and find the information they need instead resulting in labor savings. of trying to search through a notebook or their • Summary and transcription features such as Ai email or search anywhere. We've just seen a lot Recap saved agents time on tasks like listening of time savings on calls.” to and transcribing voicemails and setting action • Dialpad Ai Contact Center helped bridge gaps in items after calls. The senior manager of knowledge to ensure continuity and efficiency in operations at the education company stated, customer interactions. The CTO at the “The real-time assist cards and [other features] transportation company shared: “You don’t have are getting them the information they need faster, to ask repeatedly anymore because [the historical information] is right there and you can so they don’t spend time researching and following up with the customers.” see it. It also helps with historical conversations. • Agents used real-time assist (RTA) cards to … If you have somebody calling back and they’re ensure that they had the information they needed dealing with somebody from a different shift, [the to address customers inquiries. The RTA cards agent] can have that context of why they called 4 automatically display relevant information based hours ago and what they were talking about.” on voice recognition technology, eliminating a • Interviewees reported significant time savings time-consuming and error-prone hunt. across a variety of metrics. Handle time was The senior manager of operations at the reduced by up to 30%, and interviewees reported education company described how the features up to a minute or more in time savings related to have helped their contact center agents: “The post-call work. THE TOTAL ECONOMIC IMPACT™ OF DIALPAD AI CONTACT CENTER 8

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