THE DIALPAD AI CONTACT CENTER CUSTOMER JOURNEY that we used before [had] three different • Reduce downtime and its accompanying revenue platforms for voice, voicemail, and contact center, loss. and then we had to purchase call recording from • Improve customer and employee experience. a separate company and then texting from a separate company as well. It was a little all over • Provide real-time visibility into contact center the place.” performance metrics to empower decision- • Difficulty tracking agent and contact center makers. performance. Interviewees noted that without AI- COMPOSITE ORGANIZATION driven insights, tracking and evaluating agent Based on the interviews, Forrester constructed a TEI performance was a cumbersome and manual framework, a composite company, and an ROI process. The lack of visibility hampered effective analysis that illustrates the areas financially affected. coaching and training, making it challenging to The composite organization is representative of the identify areas for improvement and offer targeted four interviewees, and it is used to present the guidance to agents. aggregate financial analysis in the next section. The • Excessive downtime. Interviewees shared that composite organization has the following they often encountered issues related to characteristics: downtime and service disruptions in their existing Description of composite. The composite contact center systems. These interruptions led organization is headquartered in the US and has to unproductive periods where agents could not $100 million in annual revenue. The organization has respond to customer inquiries. The CIO at a 500 agents and receives 6.5 million contacts per healthcare organization described how their year. legacy system often experienced periods of planned and unplanned downtime: “[Our legacy system] was guaranteed 10 hours a year of downtime for upgrades — just updates Key Assumptions [themselves] alone, never mind the different • $100 million annual outages that they would have. … We had 20 revenue hours of [unplanned] outages over the year.” • 500 contact center INVESTMENT OBJECTIVES agents The interviewees’ organizations searched for a • 6.5 million contacts per solution that could: year • Increase the productivity of the contact center, allowing agents to respond to more customer inquiries without increasing headcount. • Streamline the contact center environment into a single solution and reduce legacy costs. • Decrease internal labor and maintenance costs on communications environment. THE TOTAL ECONOMIC IMPACT™ OF DIALPAD AI CONTACT CENTER 7

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