ANALYSIS OF BENEFITS Manager Productivity Ref. Metric Source Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 B1 Manager time per week spent on reporting and Interviews 10 10 10 coaching prior to Dialpad Ai Contact Center (hours) B2 Manager time per week spent on reporting and Interviews 2.5 2.5 2.5 coaching after Dialpad Ai Contact Center (hours) B3 Contact center managers Composite 30 30 30 B4 Fully burdened hourly wage for managers Composite $50 $50 $50 B5 Time savings on coaching and reporting (B1-B2)*B3*B4*52 $585,000 $585,000 $585,000 B6 Productivity recapture TEI standard 50% 50% 50% Bt Manager productivity B5*B6 $292,500 $292,500 $292,500 Risk adjustment ↓10% Btr Manager productivity (risk-adjusted) $263,250 $263,250 $263,250 Three-year total: $789,750 Three-year present value: $654,664 THE TOTAL ECONOMIC IMPACT™ OF DIALPAD AI CONTACT CENTER 11

The Economic Impact of Contact Center AI - Page 13 The Economic Impact of Contact Center AI Page 12 Page 14