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ANALYSIS OF BENEFITS MANAGER PRODUCTIVITY sometimes. Now they could just have a report Evidence and data. With Dialpad Ai Contact Center, they could just read through or scan through.” managers and supervisors at interviewees’ Modeling and assumptions. For the financial organizations increased their efficiency at reporting analysis, Forrester assumes: and coaching tasks. • The contact center organization has a total of 30 • Features such as Ai Custom Moments provided managers. managers with readily available transcripts and summaries, eliminating the need to manually sift • With Dialpad Ai Contact Center, each manager through past calls to find examples of good reduces the amount of time they spend on performance. Additionally, these features coaching from 10 hours per week to 2.5 hours expedited the identification of specific areas per week. where agent coaching can be applied, making • The fully burdened hourly wage for contact center the entire process quicker and more efficient for manager is $50 . managers. • Fifty percent of time saved by managers from Ai • The senior manager of operations at the Contact Center is repurposed productively. education company described how Ai Contact Risks. Benefits realized may vary based on the Center saved managers time on coaching: “Our following factors. managers and our sales trainers can find calls [and recordings] so much easier, and agents can • Time previously spent on coaching and send calls that they want help with so much supervision. faster than before. It’s really reduced the time for • Compensation for managers. the sales trainer to actually find prompted or unprompted calls. It was just a guessing game Results. To account for these risks, Forrester before. Now, with [Ai] Custom Moments, I’d say, adjusted this benefit downward by 10%, yielding a ‘I want this topic for this person’ and find relevant three-year, risk-adjusted total PV of $655,000. examples so much faster.” • The same interviewee also said: “Managers are able to go and look at [Ai] Custom Moments and real-time analysis and say, ‘Oh, they’re calling about [a particular topic].’ [We can then] make changes to proactively reach out to customers and get in front of different topics [and] to make real-time decisions on and update their staff with a training.” This allows managers to focus on the most important issues and avoid wasting time. • The CIO at the healthcare company said, “A conversation between an agent and a patient [is] transcribed for quality and training purposes, so a supervisor may be able to utilize that versus just sitting there and listening for minutes or hours THE TOTAL ECONOMIC IMPACT™ OF DIALPAD AI CONTACT CENTER 10

The Economic Impact of Contact Center AI - Page 12 The Economic Impact of Contact Center AI Page 11 Page 13