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The Dialpad Ai Contact Center Customer Journey Drivers leading to the Ai Contact Center investment Interviews Role Industry Region Contact Center Agents CTO Transportation North America with global operations 800 Senior manager of operations Education North America 1,000 VP, director of communication Financial services North America 30 CIO Healthcare North America 400 KEY CHALLENGES agents during periods of high call volume. Before implementing Dialpad Ai Contact Center, the Without any tools for live call assistance or interviewees’ organizations had a variety of contact intelligent call routing, customer interactions often center solutions, including on-premises or cloud- took longer than necessary. Additionally, agents based contact centers as well as additional ancillary often had to spend several minutes after a call to software solutions, with limited functionality in place. write down notes on the interaction, further The interviewees noted how their organizations cutting into agent bandwidth. struggled with common challenges, including: • Extended contact center wait times. Prior to the investment in Dialpad Ai Contact Center, the “[Our legacy system] had no interviewees reported that callers dealt with long features. It was poorly designed, wait times, leading to a high rate of abandoned really hard to manage, and not calls, low customer satisfaction (CSAT) scores, only that, the costs were at least and diminished brand perception. Describing twice — if not three times — their legacy system, the CTO at a transportation what we’re paying Dialpad organization said, “The system really wasn’t as today.” manageable, which was resulting in a lot of CIO, healthcare unhappy customer experiences for callers.” The interviewee went on to say that the number one driver for investing in Dialpad Ai Contact Center was “making sure that when they call in that we • Too many disparate solutions. Before adopting can get them to a human being as quickly as Ai Contact Center, interviewees revealed that possible and as easily as possible, not just during they had a range of communication solutions in business hours, but after hours as well.” place, which made their environments expensive • Heavy agent workload. The interviewees noted and difficult to maintain. The senior manager of that their organizations had difficulty staffing operations at an education organization contact centers, which often led to overworked described the disjointed environment: “The tool THE TOTAL ECONOMIC IMPACT™ OF DIALPAD AI CONTACT CENTER 6

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