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ANALYSIS OF BENEFITS UNQUANTIFIED BENEFITS my branch and find out when their payment is Interviewees mentioned the following additional getting made, that branch director would have benefits that their organizations experienced but were visibility that their customer or their carrier called not able to quantify: them through their branch, and they got • CSAT insight and customer experience. With transferred over to the accounts payable team Dialpad Ai Contact Center, contact center teams over in finance. So they still get that visibility.” could not only standardize high-quality responses Ensuring a single view also unlocked new to deliver an improved customer experience, but opportunities for cross-sell and upsell. The CTO Dialpad’s Ai CSAT feature also enabled at the transportation organization stated: “We organizations to track CSAT automatically intend on using the AI coach and have those without relying on customers to participate in coaching cards so that, for example, if somebody surveys. Teams could then respond with mentions, ‘Hey, do you offer [a specific] service?’ additional training and coaching where needed to That would trigger a popup [to the agent] saying, shore up performance or learn from and iterate ‘Well, yes, we do. Here’s who to contact and on highly rated interactions. Features such as here’s where you can find more information about RTA cards help ensure all agents had the best, that.’” most up-to-the-minute information for customers. Interviewees gained insight into when staffing Forrester research correlates business benefits should be scaled up or down to properly balance and customer loyalty with improved CX as workloads. The CTO at the transportation 5 measured by CSAT (see figure, next page). organization said: “It tells us that ‘Hey, the The senior manager of operations at the mornings are when you need to staff. You need education company said: “With [Ai Contact to staff up to make sure that we’ve got enough Center’s] CSAT, it looks at the call and people to handle those volumes of calls.’ We can transcription and gives us a score, so we are not do a lot of workforce scheduling around that, and chasing people down to try to get answers or that also helped to mitigate it. So really, the getting more information and more data points. analytics is the short answer that’s really helped We can see where they dampened and figure out us see this.” what could be going on.” • More efficient menu routing and reduced • Visibility into contact center analytics. Dialpad demand on agents. With Ai Contact Center, Ai Contact Center created visibility across a interviewees could streamline menu and range of domains for the interviewees. With Ai interactive voice response (IVR) systems, gaining Contact Center, it was possible to see where efficiency and reducing the number of levels calls were being directed and have a record of customers had to move through to speak with the call topics. This helped break down silos across right person. In some cases, customers could departments, providing context for calls across even get the information they needed without the organization and putting contact center talking to an agent, which was more efficient for agents in a position to seamlessly pick up where customers and a cost savings for the company. the customer needed help. The CTO at the The CIO at the healthcare company noted: “We transportation organization detailed the were able to implement things like business improvement in visibility: “I’ve got visibility of all hours, as an example — a quick the calls that are coming in. If they’re trying to call THE TOTAL ECONOMIC IMPACT™ OF DIALPAD AI CONTACT CENTER 18

The Economic Impact of Contact Center AI - Page 20 The Economic Impact of Contact Center AI Page 19 Page 21