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RingCentral® Customer Success Story | Workato RingCentral Supports Workato’s Fast, Global Growth Workato provides a powerful, enterprise-grade company’s global sales efforts and international automation and integration platform that can expansion. (Teng works out of Workato’s Company profile be used by businesses of all sizes. Its integration Singapore office, which the company opened Workato is a leader in cloud and on- recipes are so easy to use and implement that about a year and a half ago to expand its premise automation. The company’s more than 75% of its customers go live with presence in the Asia Pacific region.) no-code integration platform enables their first app integrations within one week. “RingCentral is a full-featured communications seamless integration of thousands of One customer used the Workato platform solution with everything you need inside a apps to automate workflows. to integrate JIRA® with Zendesk® so that single app,” Teng says. Now, for example, instead support tickets are automatically updated with of everyone sharing two web conferencing Website the engineering team’s status. A non-profit licenses, all employees have their own web that helps students from underprivileged conferencing capability through RingCentral communities succeed in college used the Meetings™. “We use RingCentral Meetings very Headquarters platform to make sure all interactions heavily both internally and for product demos,” with students, whether they are captured Teng adds. Employees use the RingCentral Cupertino, CA in Eventbrite, Slack, or Mowgli SMS, are Mobile® app to access RingCentral functionality ® automatically logged in Salesforce . Currently, outside the office using their smart phones. Year founded Workato’s community consists of more than 150,000 integrations, which they call “recipes,” Sales call volume increased by 5x to 6x 2013 shared by more than 17,000 businesses. Teng estimates that the productivity of the sales and support teams has increased by 30% Globally expanding company needs more to 40% since switching to RingCentral, mainly than the basics due to the time saved by having RingCentral Workato’s first phone system was a simple functionality integrated with other office cloud-based solution that provided basic applications such as Calendly and Salesforce. telephony. For online meetings and sales demos, the company purchased and shared “We also automate data from RingCentral with two licenses of an expensive web conferencing our other apps using Workato. For example, solution. As Allan Teng, Workato’s Director whenever an inbound call is picked up, the of Partner and Customer Success, recalls, person accepting the call will receive a team Workato outgrew this approach within six messaging notification with information on the months to a year. caller sourced from Freshdesk and Salesforce,” Teng says. “This really integrates RingCentral “We started needing things like access to into our workflows and increases productivity.” international numbers and support for high- Employees also use Workato and RingCentral volume sales calling,” Teng explains. “We also to automatically log call details in Salesforce RingCentral is a full-featured needed a wider range of communications whenever an outbound call is made via the communications solution with everything functionality within the company.” RingCentral Desktop or Mobile App. you need inside a single app. By replacing the two initial solutions with Teng has seen an equally significant —Allan Teng, Director, Partner and RingCentral Global Office® and RingCentral improvement in sales call volume since Customer Success Contact Center, Teng established a deploying RingCentral Contact Center. “In communications platform that supports the the past, sales calls required people to go into

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