Results Platform characteristics: A real-time communications approach ● Pure cloud UC solution Boon Edam employees can communicate with any colleague, in any location, with ease, ● Integration of communications into a single using chat or voice. A new global directory, platform accessible to every worker, on any device, ensures interactions can be initiated in ● Consistent user experience, regardless of seconds. device or location Reduced costs ● Single, unified, managed solution allowing As a result of introducing Fuze, Boon Edam for rapid activation and easy expansion has reduced costs by 30 percent through removing maintenance/management of ● Ability to scale to thousands of users on-premises equipment. This number is ● 24/7 IVR routing for calls across the global expected to increase further once the rollout organisation is complete. ● Global carrier capabilities A modern working approach Boon Edam’s workers have embraced a more ● Reception-friendly features such as ring modern approach to working. Using Fuze, the groups, call-queues, and call-forwarding company can maintain its traditional values while implementing a modern, intuitive, and consumer-like interface to keep up-to-date with the most modern working practices and preferences. Key user features: ● Unified tools including calling, instant messaging, and audio conferencing ● Full analytics reporting ● Global corporate directory ● Available on multiple devices including desk phones, softphones, and mobile devices Visit to schedule a demo.

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